1. Biotechnology in wildlife conservation
2. Addressing the Management of Antibiotic Overuse in Dairy Animals
3. Management and Ecofriendly Disposal of Hatchery Waste
4. Physiological disorder and their management in temperate vegetable crops
5. Greening Industries: The Promise of Industrial Agroforestry
6. Pearl Culture and Craftsmanship: An Overview
7. Success Story of formation of Kisan Club of Value Addition in Milk
8. Samanvit Krishi Pranali Prabandh
9. Value Added Edible Food Products Developed Using Palm Oil and Its Fractions
10. Traditional And Novel Methods for Oil Extraction
11. The Secrets of Plant Memory: How Plants Remember and Learn from Their Experiences
12. Fugitive dust: An overview of Environmental Concerns and Health Risks.
13. Management of Rabbit farming for income generation and their advantages.
14. Robotics In Agriculture
14. Pharmacokinetics study of Levofloxacin in Goats
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